EFNS Tech Day


EFNS Tech Day presented by Bruker before the IR Nanospectro-Imaging Conference (EuNanoSpec 2024),

Tuesday 12th March 2024, University Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France


Bruker Nano Surfaces cordially invites all delegates participating at IR Nanospectro Imaging Conference 2024 to attend our free EFNS Technology Day. This workshop will present the latest nanochemical imaging and spectroscopy advances showcasing Bruker’s photothermal AFM-IR technology with applications in life science, polymers, 2D materials, micro-electronics, and more.

The hands-on training sessions are designed to provide practical experience and in-depth knowledge about the latest innovations in your field of expertise.

For a detailed program click here

The event will take place at the Institut de Chimie-Physique, Université Paris-Saclay, Building 349, Magat room.


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Orsay ville to ICP

ICP building 349

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