Full program and book of abstracts

The book of abstracts is now available: download here

On site registration and payment

Late registration: after the 26th of February

  • students: 300 €
  • permanent researchers, post-doc, engineer (academic or industrial): 400 €
  • industrial: 500 €

Online payment: https://dr04.azur-colloque.fr/inscription/fr/292/inscription


We are pleased to announce the first European meeting on InfraRed Nanospectro-Imaging, to be held in France at the Université Paris-Saclay from the 12th to the 15th of March 2024.


As an opening, the meeting will include the EFNS Tech Day supported by Bruker on the 12th, followed by the academic meeting running 13th-15th March.

This event builds upon EFNS Bruker's interactive forum. A scientific committee of international academic experts in IR nanospectroscopy organizes it. Its main goal is to gather and reinforce the European IR nanospectroscopy community by promoting scientific exchange, informal discussion and networking opportunities. The conference is open to academics, industrial scientists and researchers. This event is meant to bring together experts as well as non-experts in IR nano spectroscopy and will cover the following topics:


Polymer and Material Science

Life and plant science/biomedical

Instrumentation and innovation

Environmental-heritage science

Thin films/coatings and chemical surface modification

Chemometrics and data evaluation


Sponsors & Patronage

bruker FP


loreal FP

L’Oréal is the only Cosmetics Group to have upstream Research with more than 800 scientists around the world. We have unique skin & hair scientific knowledge to develop new raw materials, molecules and formulation engines with unequalled performance and measured environmental impact, for the Beauty of tomorrow


Digital Surf has been developing surface imaging & metrology software for profilers and microscopes for over 30 years. Mountains® software helps the industrial and scientific community visualize, analyze and report on data obtained with a wide range of instruments. Integrated by leading instrument manufacturers worldwide, Mountains® software has become the reference software for studying micro and nano surfaces. Its five product families offer specialized solutions for profilometry, electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, spectroscopy, and light microscopy as well as a multi-instrument solution for data confluence.



neaspec (now Nanoscale Analytics business unit @attocube) has gained worldwide attention in the scientific community for inventing a series of breakthrough technologies for nanoscale imaging & spectroscopy. This optical AFM platform offers the most advanced optical techniques plus best-in-class electrical and mechanical measurement modes, performed at room temperature, under high vacuum or even under cryogenic conditions.



Atoum Tech SAS a été créé en 2023 pour introduire sur le marché académique des technologies de rupture en matière de spectroscopie et de microscopie. La société possède une forte expertise tant dans les domaines de la spectroscopie vibrationnelle (Raman en particulier) que de la microscopie électronique (MET en particulier). Aujourd’hui elle est le distributeur exclusif des solutions Nanoscale Analytics d’ATTOCUBE-WITTENSTEIN. ATOUM TECH est enfin le partenaire scientifique d’ELOÏSE SAS pour la diffraction électronique par précession NanoMEGAS ainsi que pour les outils de microscopie in situ MET DENS Solutions.

The Groupe Français de Spectroscopie Vibrationnelle (French Vibrational Spectroscopy Group) is an association whose aim is to promote exchanges in the field of photonic vibrational spectroscopy at both fundamental and practical application levels. It brings together scientists from the public and industrial sectors.



Plenary speakers

Dr. Miguel Pleitez, TranslaTUM, Technische Universität München, Germany.

Looking and listening to the good vibrations of biomolecules: mid-infrared optoacoustic and optothermal microspectroscopy for label-free biomedical imaging and non-invasive biosensing.


Dr. Sandrine Lévêque-Fort, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay, France.

3D Single molecule localization microscopy for biological applications.


Dr. Dieter Fischer, Leibniz Institut, Dresden, Germany.

Challenges for the analysis of small micro- and nanoplastic particles in environment and food samples - results from automated Raman measurements with data processing solutions enhanced by machine learning methods.

Invited speakers

Dr Andrea Centrone, NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States.

Measuring chemical composition, optical and thermal properties at the nanoscale with AFM probes

Pr. Ludovic Duponchel, University of Lille, LASIRE, Laboratoire de Spectroscopie pour Les Interactions, la Réactivité et l'Environnement, France.

Unlocking the potential of acquired data: comprehensive analysis and machine learning approaches in the framework of imaging

Dr. Valeria Giliberti, Nanotechnologies for Neurosciences, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy.

Electric-field-dependent infrared nanospectroscopy of PMMA with an atomic force microscope

Dr. Marc Kreutzbruck, Institut für Kunststofftechnik, Stuttgard, Germany.

High-resolution material characterization of plastic components using photothermal excited Atomic Force Microscopy

Dr. Ewelina Lipiec, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

Infrared nanospectroscopic mapping of biologically relevant complex systems

Dr. Dominika Święch, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland.

Nano-spectroscopic studies of the modified metallic surface for implantology application.

Pr. Jana Zaumseil, Applied Physical Chemistry, universität Heidelberg, Germany.

IR-SNOM for Small-Molecule Organic Electronics

Dr. Francesca Zuttion, Scientific Researcher, L'Oréal Advanced Research, Aulnay s/ Bois, France

AFM-IR in cosmetic science


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